Saturday, July 7, 2012

Do you want to spice up your love relationship?  Are you bored with the direction of your romantic relationship?  Then, try courtship.  That’s right: courtship.   I know that sounds old fashion; but that’s what is missing: old, fashion romantic courtship. defines Courtship as “. . . the wooing of one person by another. “ Wooing your partner is hot and sexy.  The remedy for a less than exciting relationship is courtship. 

There was a time when a man courting a woman was an absolute requirement.  The man took time to find out what the target of his affection liked from her favorite flower, her favorite food, or her favorite book.  These are just examples of a man, or woman, taking time to build a long, lasting love relationship.Whether your relationship is in the honeymoon stage or you have been married for decades, courtship can return the spark your relationship needs. 

Recently, I took my own advice and began creating Courtship Jars.  These jars contain 52-weeks of courtship ideas.  So, I am going to share my ‘recipe’ for improving your relationship if you want to turn up the sexy heat.  You will need the following materials:

52-Courtship Idea Slips: You can create these slips by cutting 52 rectangle slips of paper.  Each partner will need 52 slips write ‘PRIVATE’ courtship ideas.  The key word is ‘PRIVATE’ because each partner knows what turns him or her on and what activities would make him or her happy in a relationship.  Be as creative as you want.  Your partner will execute these courtship acts. Therefore, have fun and don’t be shy.  However, remember to not make it too difficult for your partner to fulfill your courtship idea.  Here is an example of a courtship idea: 

 2 Candle Jars: You can either buy clear, glass jars at your local arts and crafts store; but I use recycled candle jars.  These were former vanilla bean candles.  I used to throw these away; but I began to clean them to make gift jars.  To recycle, boil hot water in a teakettle.  Place the empty candle jars in a large, plastic bowl.  Carefully, pour the boiled water around the base of the jars in the plastic bowl.  Let the jars sit for about fifteen minutes.  You should be able to remove the candle wax residue be easily.  If the candle jar lid has a sticker, just soak it in a bowl of soapy water for about an hour.  You should be able to easily scrap off the label.)

1 Sheet Red and 1 Sheet White Tissue Paper: You can find this paper in an arts and crafts store or in the greeting cards section.  Grab a pack of each color, or if there is a package with multi-colors, that would work better because you can use the rest for future craft projects. 

5 Red and 5 Clear Plastic Gems: You can purchase these at a local arts and crafts store such as Michaels, Hobby Lobby and even Wal-Mart.  This container contains over one-hundred pieces, so you have plenty gems for future craft projects.  

Arts and Craft Glue: This is the type of glue I use; but it is the same as the glue your kids use for school arts and craft projects.  If you don’t already have Elmer’s Glue at home, you can find this glue at your local arts and craft stores. If you have a glue gun, that will work just as well. 

Sponge Brush: You can buys these brushes at your local arts and craft stores.   

Old newspaper: Lay the paper under your arts and crafts to prevent spillage. 

Getting Your Courtship Started: Once you have created your Courtship Jars and each partner has written a courtship idea on each slip of paper, store the jars in a private area for easy access to only you and your partner.  Decide which day of the week you and your partner will retrieve a slip from the other partner’s jar.  ONCE YOU RETRIEVE A COURTSHIP SLIP FROM YOUR PARTNER’S JAR, YOU CANNOT PUT IT BACK!  That’s cheating. This is about courting your partner and fulfilling their needs. 

The most important aspect of Courtship Jars is getting to know your partner intimately.  For me, it’s about spending time and service.  Participating in activities together is very sexy to me.   This is another way to communicate.  It’s a sexy way of learning what turn your partner on as well.  Most importantly, many of the ideas do not have to cost money.